Power hours – Techno Sapiens

From the workshop

Visualising Insight –
first of all when i start to to the first hour, i found that its a bit deficult , and i had no idea to do this skecthes i struggled in the first and then i pick up it slowly to skecth the ideas , i did few skecthes and i found out that which is more useful for my project.

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provoking emotion

from the second task i improve my ideas and i start to understand what are the elemennts i going to put in to my project, i learned how to make the audiance to think and deleiver the messsage  in a meaning full skecthes.

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reversing the emotion

in the 3rd hour, I learned more than the previous hour, I have got some ideas to sketch compare to the previous hours, the sketches I did look meaningful and funny. I created a character which using the phone anytime anywhere. This sequential drawing can help to explain people nowadays are obsessed with phone.


word association

from the keywords i understand that what people think about the techno sapiens , most of the keywords i got from them shows the positiveness to the title.


pass the buck

i found that in the last skecth i have to improve the ideas more and produce with the message, now days every like to play games and the people more into social media its like drugs, the one of the picture shows the people taking pills like social net work sides and the other one shows the brain conncet to power point it shows  our brain becoming like robot.10955249_10203646645621969_1045095999_n 10962174_10203646645541967_1481534168_n